v1.21.3 - Fixed: fix hls bitrate selection v1.21.2 - Fixed: Allow timezone shift when live URLs have placeholders v1.21.1 - Fixed: remove workaround for ffmpeg deprecated function on windowsstore - Fixed: Replace deprecated av_init_packet() from ffmpeg v1.21.0 - Update: FFmpeg to 4.4 - Update: Update gas preprocessor for ffmpeg4.4 - Fixed: Ignore deprecation warning as errors for ffmpeg's av_init_packet() for windowsstore v1.20.1 - Fixed: release version fix v1.20.0 - Update: FFmpeg to 4.3.2 - Added: If open_mode is default make sure the right protocols default to open with ffmpeg v1.19.4 - Fixed: Fix locking on EOF detection of terminating catchup stream by using std:recursive_mutex v1.19.3 - Update: move verbose playback timeshift logging to debug level - Update: Update cmakelists to reference FFMPEGDIRECT at build time v1.19.2 - Update: Demuxer additions from kodi v1.19.1 - Fixed: Ensure all values in GetTimes() default to zero v1.19.0 - Added: FFmpeg patch for satip improvements - Added: SafeLocaltime and custom catchup timestamp formats - Added: Now timestamp and custom timestamp format for live catchup URL - Added: Use curl for mingw package downloads v1.18.2 - Update: Redact inputstream property URLs when logged v1.18.1 - Update: Add temporary ffmpeg patch for embedded EIT (EPG) data in mepgts streams v1.18.0 - Update: inputstream API 3.0.1 - Fix wrong flags bit shift v1.17.0 - Update: inputstream API 3.0.0 v1.16.0 - Update: Inputstream API 2.3.4 - Added: German translation - Added: Debian build test to Travis CI v1.15.5 - Update: Use add-on supplied StringUtils and remove local version - Update: Remove local threading code and use addon supplied instead - Update: Use new addon supplied CEndTime class based on chrono - Update: Add autoreconf step to lib zvbi v1.15.4 - Update: Remove p8-platforms and add local StringUtils for cpp17 - Update: Nettle patch for xcode 12 v1.15.3 - Update: gnutls 3.6.15 and nettle 3.6 bump v1.15.2 - Update: bump to fix version number v1.15.1 - Fixed: Use correct index for streams using a program number, fixes EIT data embedded in streams - Update: FFmpeg to 4.3.1 v1.15.0 - Added: Add fast open for manifest stream and test setting for realtime off - Fixed: Honour realtime stream property - Fixed: Fix using prev button to seek back to start of stream - Fixed: Ensure no slash at end of timeshift buffer path - Fixed: Make sure write segment file is closed when buffer is destroyed - Fixed: Use overwrite when opening files for write for compatibility with SMB on Android - Fixed: Don't start timeshift and exit if index file cannot be created - Update: If any timeshift file cannot be created log free disk space - Fixed: Avoid crash for zero byte or partial timeshift segment files - Fixed: Only read ffmpeg logging setting on stream start - Update: Redact username and password for urls in log statements - Fixed: Only create timeshift directory if it does not exist v1.14.5 - Fixed: Fix lintian spellings and mimetype log statement - Update: Readme v1.14.4 - Fixed: Use kodi's own FFmpeg for ubuntu packaging v1.14.3 - Update: Use FFmpeg 4.3 v1.14.2 - Fixed: Debian packaging v1.14.1 - Update: Kodi API Bump v1.14.0 - Added: Add HLS bandwidth limit and teletext/fps advanced settings - Fixed: Add missing ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN qualifer to InputSteamFFmpegDirect class - Fixed: Fix memory leak for DemuxStreams - Update: README v1.13.0 - Added: Add setting for user to limit the length of the timeshift buffer v1.12.0 - Added: Support seeking for VOD streams or regular file playback - Fixed: Update HLS iformat name and remove hls workaround which is fixed in current FFmpeg - Added: Timeshift for live streams (experimental) - Added: Add support for Kodi user-agent and cookies when calling FFmpeg directly - Added: Support multiple occurrences of year, month and day in catchup format specifiers - Added: Add option to turn FFmpeg logging on/off v1.11.0 - Update: inputstream API 2.3.1 - Update: Global API 1.2.0 v1.10.0 - Added: Continued playback of catchtup streams which don't support delayed live streams - Added: Skip unsupported seeks like ones too close to live or those less one minute for streams that only allow a 1 minute granulaity - Added: Limit seeking for terminating 1 second streams to within 1 minute of live and for 60 streams 2 minutes - Update: Debian control file - Update: gas-preprocessor to latest version and remove patch that is no longer required - Update: .gitignore - Fixed: Fix arch typo ffmpeg darwin_embedded - Fixed: Cleanup apple frameworks usage in cmakelists - Added: Change logging implementation and deprecate use of NOTICE level - Added: Allow streams to be opened using cURL in addition to FFmpeg - Update: Fix TS Streams by disallowing streaminfo for realtime streams - Update: MKV Attachment and IsTransportStreamReady() updates from kodi v1.9.2 - Update: Use generic mimetype from stream and remove old mime_type property v1.9.1 - Update: Inpustream API 2.3.0 v1.9.0 - Added: HTTP Proxy support - Update: Remove PauseStream for Inputstream API 2.2.0 - Fixed: fix changelog.in for debian packaging v1.8.2 - Fixed: Ubuntu packaging - Added: Updated RTP patch v1.8.1 - Fixed: Suppress verbose logging on libxml2 on osx that causes travis builds to fail v1.8.0 - Added: Support live URL in addition to catchup URL - Added: Support resuming from pause and to catchup stream - Update: Remove CanSeekStream and CanPauseStream for Inputstream API v2.1.0 - Update: .gitignore v1.7.3 - Update: Remove pthreads library as now w32pthreads is used instead - Update: libxml2 disable unused components for common depends and remove unrequired patch - Update: Update libxml2 to 2.9.10 for windows, disable html module and remove unrequired patches - Update: Enable asm for gnutls and nettle for darwin_embedded v1.7.2 - Update: w32pthreads - Fixed: gnutls disable tools for OSX 10.15.4 compatibility - Fixed: libxml2 patch for OSX 10.15.4/Xcode 11.4 compatibility - Update: SPDX, headers and badges - Update: gnutls to 3.6.13 - Update: gmp on android to 6.2.0 v1.7.1 - Fixed: tvOS build v1.7.0 - Update: remove unrequired gnutls patch - Fixed: Replace ;'s workaround for cmake bug for ffmpeg LDFLAGS - Added: Patch for ffmpeg using rtp protocol where sources option is not retained - Update: Document programme_catchup_id stream property in README - Added: Support for timestamp catchup format specifier - Added: Support duration units format specifer to convert duration to mins or hours - Update: Update darwin deprecated thread call - Fixed: validate duration format specifier and cap to time now - Added: Add optional stream property for live catchup url - Added: Support for offset catchup format specifier - Fixed: Disable Neon for arm for iOS/tvOS - Fixed: Raspberry Pi build v1.6.0 - Added: Support catchup-id stream property - Added: Enable pthreads for FFmpeg on Windows to allow circular buffer for UDP streams - Added: Fanart and icon - Added: Move from appveyor to Azure DevOps to windows CI - Added: Source and license to addon.xml - Added: p8-platform to addon depends - Fixed: Remove kodi protocol options before opening URL - Fixed: Wrong mms/rtp/udp url being used - Fixed: Android linkage for ffmpeg broken - Fixed: Travis status image - Update: To gnutls-3.6.12 v1.5.0 - Update: FFmpeg-n4.2.2, patches refreshed v1.4.1 - Update: Cleanup logging v1.4.0 - Added: gnutls patch to add libdl to support newer OSes - Added: Add support for mms and rtp/udp streams with sources - Fixed: Add workaround for CMake and Frameworks on Darwin v1.3.0 - Added: Support for Windows and iOS - Update: To gmp-6.2.0 - Update: To nettle-3.5.1 - Update: To gnutls- v1.2.1 - Fixed: Support for XCode build with GCC via travis v1.2.0 - Added: Jenkinsfile and .travel.yml - Added: Support for Android and linux - Fixed: Some depnds errors for iOS, still more to fix - Added: Clang and g++ build supported from Travis, osx travis not working v1.1.0 - Added: Support for chapters v1.0.0 - Added: Initial version working for both normal streams and those supporting catchup